Mostly known before the war for her brief and rather unsuccessful appearance in Germany's "Let's Get Married" TV show, she figured the best use of her free time would be to show the world the better nature of the Russian people, which she proceeded to do by dancing Kalinka in front of Ukrainian refugees and constantly pestering them with the "Who owns Kherson?" question.

In a constant attempt to answer the "no way she did that" question with "yes she did" and possibly concerned with people not quite fully grasping the inner workings of the "Russian soul", she began publishing videos of herself dancing to the sound of shells exploding over Ukrainian cities, a move than made her rather popular with the other Russians living in Germany.

Having become a bit of an influencer, she started advising her compatriots to waste as much gas and electricity as possible "to support the Russian army", a helpful move that nearly collapsed the German economy and greatly improved the life expectancy of Russia's Scooby-Doo van assault battalions.

Using several letters from the German police as toilet paper seems have been the bit that finally earned her a one way trip back to her beloved toilet-less motherland.

She recently fled for Hong Kong after having lived for about a year in Russia, time in which she seems to have found herself as a repeated victim of domestic violence and mildly successful amateur adult star, thus having fully rediscovered the "traditional Russian values" and finally getting the answer to "Who owns Kherson?".