Flipper is a trained musician skilled in playing the cello and piano and composing operas and symphonies, a talent he put to good use by creating timeless pieces of art such as "Long Live Russia" and several "Odes to Putin". 

 Possibly unaware that Russia has an embassy in Slovakia and is quite happy to legally welcome dumbasses such as him, Flipper made his way across Europe and eventually reached Estonia, where he figured swimming across the Narva River is his best bet.

 Shortly after stepping foot on Russian territory, hypothermic but excited, he attempted to impress the FSB agents who picked him up by showing them his pro-Russian songs. Presumably unimpressed, they proceeded to beat him up. confiscate his phone, accuse him of being a spy, and quickly throw him in jail.

 "They arrested me and put me in a cell with 60 people. The toilet was a hole in the ground, like an open sewer. I used to put cotton wool in my ears so that the bugs wouldn't get in, we even had rats in some of the cells and the prison authorities knew very well about it and never did anything about it" he would write in his prison diary, with much surprise.

 Fortunately, Flipper would only spend 2 months in Russia as the Slovakian diplomats were able to bring their dumb prodigal son back home. Reflecting on his time in the Russian prison, he expressed his empathy for Ukrainian prisoners, believing that they must suffer greatly. He criticized the treatment they received, describing it as barbaric.