They packed up, got their passports in order, and off they left their village for Kyiv, only a short 8h drive away. To be fair to them, these are not your typical pure evil vatniks, one of them stepped up and volunteered to help Ukrainian refugees from day one of the conflict he didn't believe was ongoing.

Talking to the refugees apparently did nothing to shake his confidence that the war is "fake news". After getting past some 40 checkpoints, and seeing village after devastated village, having been almost hit by Russian rockets several times and run over by a tank, our two dumb heroes will eventually make it all the way to Kyiv.

They quickly grabbed a coffee and demanded to speak to Zelensky to sort out the whole war thing. They will end up getting stuck in Ukraine for 4 days, mostly having to sleep in their car, scared to bits by the constant air sirens, and unable to find food or shelter. At one point, they ended up playing the role of war reporter for one of the main Romanian news channels for about 5 minutes.

They will eventually make it all the way back to their village in Romania. "Many times I sat and thought why did I come here? It really is war" will be their last and final statement on the matter.