14, the General Staff of Ukraine’s Armed Forces reported.Chemical plants, refineries, and the Engels airbase's ammunition depots were successfully targeted, a source in the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) told the Kyiv Independent."The SBU, together with the Defense Forces, continues to strike enemy military facilities and enterprises supporting Russia’s military-industrial complex. Each hit — whether on ammunition depots, refineries, oil depots, or chemical plants — weakens Russia’s capacity to wage war in Ukraine," an SBU source told the Kyiv Independent.Ukrainian drones reportedly targeted multiple regions, including Saratov, Voronezh, and Orel oblasts, as well as Tatarstan. The Russian Defense Ministry did not specify the number of drones involved.Dmitry Milyaev, the governor of Russia's Tula region, described a "massive drone attack" in a Telegram post, claiming at least 17 drones were launched.

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