15, with Kyiv claiming to have seized 1,150 square kilometers of Russian territory and 82 settlements, including the town of Sudzha.Photos purporting to show the destroyed bridge were published by the Russian Telegram channel Mash, which claimed the bridge had been struck multiple times. The channel also claimed that about 30 settlements near the village of Glushkovo, approximately 150 kilometers (93 miles) from Kursk, have been "cut off" due to the attack.Air Force Commander Mykola Oleshchuk posted later a video, showing the attack on the Russian bridge."Ukraine's Air Force aviation is actively participating in combat operations in the Kursk sector. Ukrainian pilots are conducting precision strikes on enemy's strongholds, equipment concentrations, as well as on enemy's logistics hubs and supply routes," he said.0:00/1×A video purporting to show an attack on a bridge over the Seim River in Russia's Kursk Oblast.

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