15, with Kyiv claiming to have seized 1,150 square kilometers of Russian territory and 82 settlements, including the town of Sudzha."In general, the situation is under control. All activities are being carried out according to the plan, the logistics system is working smoothly," Syrskyi said.According to the commander, the fighting is ongoing near the village of Malaya Loknya, some 15 kilometers (9 miles) from Sudzha."I hope many captives will be taken there," Syrskyi said.The estimates of Russian captives, taken by Ukraine during the Kursk Oblast, ranging from several hundred to 2,000. Ukraine declined to provide a full number of Russian captives taken during the ongoing operation following the Kyiv Independent's request.Kyiv said that rather than capturing Russian territory, the incursion aims to protect Ukrainian lives by preventing cross-border attacks and diverting Russian reinforcements.Despite mounting reports that Russia is moving at least some forces to the sector, Kyiv's troops in the east of Ukraine say the situation there remains dire as Moscow continues its advance near Pokrovsk and Toretsk.General Mick Ryan on Ukraine’s strategic calculus in Kursk OblastEditor’s note: The transcript of this interview has been edited for clarity.

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