The newspaper cited obtained documents and emails, and unnamed sources.According to FAZ, Ukraine will receive previously approved assistance, but additional requests from the German Defense Ministry will not be supported."The reports that Germany is allegedly stopping military aid to Ukraine are incorrect," Heorhy Tykhyi, a spokesman for Ukraine's Foreign Ministry, told Ukrainian news agency Ukrinform. "This is the same kind of manipulation as the previous reports about (Germany) halving aid for the next year."Tykhyi said that the German budget is expected to be approved in November, and only then the level of support for Ukraine for next year will be known."We expect that the German government will find an opportunity to provide additional funding for the needs of Ukraine's Defense Forces this year as well," Tykhyi said.Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung also reported that the possible freezing of new aid for Ukraine has led to a "tangible dispute" in the German government.Germany's budget for 2024 envisages military aid for Ukraine worth 8 billion euros, while the draft budget for 2025 includes only 4 billion euros in military aid for Kyiv.Germany likely won’t approve additional military aid to Ukraine this year, media reportsAccording to FAZ, Ukraine will receive previously approved assistance, but additional requests from the German Defense Ministry will not be supported.The Kyiv IndependentKateryna Denisova

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