17. Tesla's 'Cyberbeast,' a tri-motor all-wheel drive electric truck, is priced at $119,990.Kadyrov thanked Musk for sending the Cybertruck and praised him as "the strongest genius of our time.""We received a Tesla Cybertruck from the esteemed Elon Musk," Kadyrov wrote on Telegram. "I had the pleasure of testing the new technology and saw for myself that it is not by chance that it is called 'Cyberbeast.' ... I am sure this 'beast' will be of great use to our fighters."Kadyrov said he planned to send the vehicle to Ukraine to fight on the front lines of Russia's full-scale war. Kadyrov is a staunch supporter of Russian President Vladimir Putin and has previously sent Chechen troops – the notoriously ruthless kadyrovtsy – to wage war in Ukraine.Kadyrov went on to invite Musk to visit him and expressed anticipation for future military-grade innovations from the Tesla CEO.

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