3."Russia released false information about a HIMARS strike against the Kursk Nuclear Power Plant," Andrii Kovalenko said on his Telegram channel.Moscow has repeatedly accused Kyiv of attacking or planning to attack the plant since the start of the Ukrainian incursion in Kursk Oblast in early August, which was flatly denied by Ukraine.The plant lies roughly 40 kilometers (25 miles) from the Ukrainian-held positions in Kursk Oblast, according to the DeepState monitoring site. Earlier on Oct. 3, Russian Telegram Shot and Mash claimed that explosions rocked the nearby town of Kurchatov amid a supposed attempted Ukrainian attack on the Kursk plant.The channels did not specify whether HIMARS rockets were used in the attack. Mash claimed that four missiles and a single drone were deployed, all of which were intercepted.The drone, alleged to be Ukraine's new Palianytsia model, was flying toward Kurchatov at 11:30 a.m.

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