"Sloviansk, Kramatorsk, Druzhkivka, Kostiantynivka, and nearby settlements where roughly 260,000 people live will have problems with water supply due to massive Russian attacks," Filashkin said on his Telegram channel.The estimated advance of Russian forces in Ukraine's Donetsk Oblast as of Oct. 2, 2024. (DeepState/OpenStreetMaps)Russian forces damaged two facilities of the Water of Donbas utility company on Sept. 28, damaging the equipment beyond repair, the governor added."The regional military administration and local authorities are attempting to establish an alternative water supply," Filashkin reported, adding that technical water is being temporarily supplied from a local river reservoir.Russia's daily attacks continue to inflict civilian casualties and destroy crucial infrastructure in Donetsk Oblast. Eight people were injured in the region only on Oct. 2.Strikes against civilian centers are accompanied by an advancing ground offensive focused on several axes in Donetsk Oblast, which scored its latest success earlier this week by capturing the front-line town of Vuhledar.

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