"As far as I know, Ukrainians can handle all of this, when we can deliver all what they need for fighting with Russia," Pevkur said. Pevkur highlighted Ukraine’s growing capacity to produce military equipment, including howitzers at six to seven times the rate of France. However, he noted a critical funding gap: "Their industry is really ramping up production... but it only has $15 billion to spend, while its capacity is about $30 billion. So when you don’t have anything to give from your own stockpiles, give them money. It’s a simple message," he told The Hill. Reflecting on Ukraine’s past counteroffensives, Pevkur called the lack of sufficient equipment during the surprise Kursk incursion in August a missed opportunity. "There was a huge momentum in this war during the Kursk counteroffensive, but that time, Ukrainians didn’t have enough equipment or enough firepower to push even further," he said.

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