The family is awaiting further details from the Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Office (FCDO), which confirmed to BBC it was supporting Maclachlan's family and coordinating with local authorities in Ukraine."Jordan was a fun-loving son, brother, grandson, nephew, cousin, and a friend to many and will be greatly missed by all who knew him," the family said.Maclachlan is among several British volunteers who were killed while fighting for Ukraine against Russian aggression. In November, 22-year-old Callum Tindal-Draper, who served in Ukraine’s foreign volunteer platoon, was also killed in combat.Ukraine secures return of 3 children from Russian-occupied territories, ombudsman saysOne of the children, a 17-year-old boy, faced persecution by Russian occupation authorities for his pro-Ukrainian stance and assistance to the Ukrainian army, according to Ukraine’s Ombudsman Dmytro Lubinets.The Kyiv IndependentTim Zadorozhnyy
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