A tram and a minibus carrying passengers were also hit, as reported by the Prosecutor General’s Office."Seven medical teams, police, and emergency services are working at the site of the strike," Fedorov said.Aftermath of Russian attack on industrial facility in Zaporizhzhia on Jan. 8. (Governor Ivan Fedorov / Telegram)Aftermath of Russian attack on industrial facility in Zaporizhzhia on Jan. 8. (Governor Ivan Fedorov / Telegram)Zaporizhzhia, home to approximately 710,000 residents before Russia's full-scale invasion in 2022, is frequently targeted by Russian forces.The attack is part of a broader wave of Russian assaults across Ukraine. Regional authorities reported at least two civilian deaths and 13 injuries nationwide over the past day.Overnight, Russia launched 64 Shahed-type attack drones and various dummy drones across Ukraine, according to the Ukrainian Air Force.Air defenses intercepted 41 drones over nine oblasts.

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