What this space will become and what we can do with it are still to be discovered, but we are ready to take it for a spin in the real world. Like any startup, we first need our training wheels, so we will start small but bigger than it was last time.


The next project will produce posters, flyers, and stickers using the lessons learned from the Yuri poster. These sets will feature four to six volunteers individually. It will also link to our Forum Fundraisers page, where more fundraisers and information about the other volunteers will be available.


On the respective Volunteer profile on the Forum we will also post a download link for these materials, so Fellas can download and locally print them.


I propose a four-week timeline starting tomorrow to complete these tasks.


This action will be funded by donations, and I will offer my wife's original NAFO-themed artwork (approximately 50 pieces) framed and signed as a gift or maybe raffled; we can all decide later.


I hope to be ready for the first artwork offer by this coming Friday, and if any fella with raffle experience wants to help me do this, it would be appreciated.


I have selected eight locations in Maastricht to display the posters in pairs (this time we will make a smaller size), and the flyers and the stickers will be posted everywhere I can think of.


The eight locations were selected out of 14 for ease of access and the number of eyeballs possible (traffic).


What do we hope to achieve with this poster action? Essentially, we need to break out of the Twitter bubble and get organized access to the public. We also need to build an information portfolio on the website. We will use it to highlight the bravery and dedication of volunteers from all over the world who support Ukraine.


This action is an intermediary step to the next evolution, which is having ads printed in the NATO monthly (going to the local NATO base), which could potentially land many professional eyeballs (with a military job and pay) on the needs of the frontline Volunteers.


To do this effectively, we need to have more meat on the bones of the website. It will take time  but each step is a move forward.


Thank you, fellas, for helping to make this website a reality; together, I know we can do it.


Because when you know - you know.