Medvedev's comparison between the American Civil War and the Ukraine conflict is like comparing apples to space shuttles. The historical contexts, ideological battles, and geopolitical dynamics are worlds apart. His analogy stretches logic to its breaking point, turning a complex situation into a cartoonish oversimplification. It’s as if he’s trying to cast Putin as Lincoln and the West as Confederate sympathizers – a plot twist too far-fetched for even the cheesiest of Hollywood scripts. Medvedev's message is more about stirring the pot than making any real sense.

Medvedev's July 4th message to the U.S. is like a roast where the comedian forgets to be funny and just sounds bitter. He takes jabs at President Biden, portraying him as a befuddled old man who’s a far cry from the likes of Lincoln or Roosevelt. It’s like Medvedev is saying, “Happy Independence Day, America! Your leader’s about as inspiring as a soggy firework.”

Considering his own role as Putin’s sidekick, Medvedev mocking Biden’s leadership is hilarious coming from a guy who’s been Putin’s political puppet. Medvedev looks busy throwing stones from his glass house in Russia.

And to cap it all off with a twist of irony, Medvedev adds, "P.S. Hey, Americans! Paraphrasing your Trump: Make Russia Great Again!" It’s like he's borrowing from America's political drama to poke fun at U.S. divisions while rallying Russian nationalism. By swiping Trump’s slogan, Medvedev is essentially saying, "We’ve got our own ambitions for greatness – and we’re not above borrowing your catchphrases to do it!” It’s a cheeky way to underscore Russia’s aspirations while taking a not-so-subtle jab at the U.S.

Medvedev's post translation:

July 4th is a holiday for Americans. On this day in 1776, the Declaration of Independence from the British Empire was adopted. The usual set of entertainment is planned, with barbecue smoke, colorful fireworks, and drearily pompous speeches.

Far less and quieter today in America is the talk about the Civil War, which lasted from 1861 to 1865. Although this is a real historical event, its outcomes are far more important for the average overseas person. Why? Among other things, because the grim parallels with today are too obvious. Including the "premonition of civil war." Just watch their recent film "Civil War." But there are other extremely unpleasant associations as well.

It has become clear to many that the experience of the long-standing confrontation between the northern US states and the southern (slave-holding) Confederacy has significant similarities with the Ukrainian conflict. The difference between the North and the South in industrial potentials and human resources was roughly the same as between Russia and former Ukraine. Moreover, the ideals of the opponents differed sharply. For the Northerners, it was equality, freedom, and one law for all. For the Confederates, it was inhumane, backward racism. The same foreign scoundrels as today – typically England and France – shamelessly and brazenly interfered in the events, wishing victory for the South. They supported the slaveholders just as they now help Nazi Kiev along with modern-day USA.

The parallels are more than transparent, and therefore unpleasant for the liberal-left establishment, which runs the mass media in the USA. The Russian president has even occasionally been compared to Abraham Lincoln in American newspapers. A characteristic headline: "Vladimir Lincoln invaded Ukraine to preserve the Union." There are many unpleasant allusions for Washington in the political and diplomatic aspects of the special military operation and the Civil War of the 19th century, as well as in the outcomes of the latter.

As we know, Republican President Lincoln eventually won. Unlike their leader, Biden's senile Democratic Party comrades have not completely lost their memory. They know that Lincoln's struggle became part of world history. And his name is revered in Europe, Latin America, and Africa. For real merits. And not because his portrait is on currency notes. However, for the current clowns in the White House, like some mediocre Blinken, and the grim old men in the Senate, even dreaming about this is out of reach.

The senseless and powerless propaganda of today's White House also desperately seeks inspiration in history textbooks. They throw around theses that Ukraine is behaving like Britain in 1940-1941. A man with running red rat eyes in a messy green shirt is dubbed the new Churchill. They demand that the barely standing old man with a half-open mouth becomes the new Roosevelt, hinting that the future US president will likely govern from a wheelchair due to health reasons. But an old man with dementia is far from FDR. Therefore, the public frowns and does not believe it.

America is a country with a short history, as offensive as it may be to Americans, though it has its bright pages. One of them is precisely the Civil War, during which slavery was defeated. This is exactly how our events should be evaluated overseas: essentially, a civil war of one people, in which the majority are forced to defend their independence with arms in their hands against new Nazis, once again supported by a corrupt Europe and the American military-industrial complex. And the result of this war, as in the USA in the 19th century, should be the unification of our country. The rebirth of Great Russia!

P.S. Hey, Americans! Paraphrasing your Trump: Make Russia Great Again!