Without the support of the entire free world and the USA, Ukrainians will not last long and their struggle has every chance of ending in defeat. Putin will not stop at Ukraine but wants to further destabilize the whole world. And he will have every chance to do it if the USA does not support its ally in Europe now.

Yes, Ukrainians are not perfect, Ukrainians are ordinary guys and girls with many flaws, and I myself have many flaws.

But Ukrainians are facing an Ideal Evil today.

Reagan once challenged an evil empire that threatened the free world. That empire had more power, but that didn't bother Reagan. He did not think about what is profitable and what is safe. He thought about how to do the right thing, protecting Freedom. And Reagan won. All of the USA won. The very idea of Freedom won.

Today, the Evil Empire has been reborn.

And this Evil is much more pure from the impurities of social demagoguery. Putin is violence for violence's sake, destruction for destruction's sake, war for war's sake, terror for terror's sake. Putin does not want to abuse millions to build heaven on earth, as the communists dreamed of. Putin just wants to bully millions and destroy them. This is the new Hitler, who takes great pleasure in destroying the world order and wants to get unlimited pleasure from humiliating the United States.

Only the United States can stop this maniac before he destroys the whole world. For the first time in the history of the struggle against evil after the fall of the USSR, the United States has a reliable ally fighting for freedom without compromise. In times when everyone doubts everything, ordinary Ukrainians pick up weapons, often American ones, and fight without sparing their own lives.

This feat of confronting the much more powerful state of modern Hitler is not happening because of the special heroic traits of the Ukrainian people and not because we are some perfectly good people. This feat takes place only because we realize that we are fighting against Absolute Evil, against the theoretician and practitioner of terrorism, against the force that wants to destroy us all solely because we chose to be with the West, that we chose freedom, that we are not wanted to give their lives, dignity and our children into the hands of the greatest sadist of our time.

Putin does not hide the fact that his enemy is precisely the USA and the West as a whole, the entire civilized world, over which he would like to dominate, and if he cannot dominate, then he would like to destroy. Putin does not stand for any values, is not a supporter of conservative values - his goal is to destroy and destroy, to take revenge on the West for all the aggressive actions allegedly committed by the USA and the West in general against russia.

And the whole truth of Ukraine is that we protect the civilized world from a maniac. He is the new Hitler. At one time, Poland fell in three weeks from Hitler's actions, France in a month, we are holding on for two years. In many ways, this is the result of our choice to be free and not to become slaves. In many ways, this is the result of Western aid.

Our very desire to be free and become slaves of a bloody tyrant is not enough for the victory of Ukraine. As well as weapons from the West are not enough for such a victory. But when there is our desire to be free and help from the leader of the free world in arms, we will definitely win.

The way today's US leaders can make America America again is very simple: provide more modern weapons to Ukraine. And it should be done not for the sake of Ukraine, but for the sake of Russia. The sooner Russia is defeated, the sooner the Russian people will begin their path to democracy, and this is necessary for the whole world. The sooner Russia is defeated, the sooner Russia's allies around the world will stop plotting global destabilization, terror, and new wars. The sooner Russia is defeated with Western weapons, the sooner US companies will receive many orders for weapons from around the world.

In my opinion, the proposed amount of 60 billion is not even enough. If the USA wants to be the leader of the world in the 21st century, then this war is the moment of truth. Or or. If Ukraine fails to win the war this year, the USA will never have the authority it gained in the 20th century! If in a few months thanks to American aid - which should be maximum! - If Ukraine wins the war, then America will be the undisputed leader of the whole world for the entire XXI century!

Russia is a colossus on clay feet, and Ukraine is a stone in the hands of the Lord and the USA, which almost made the clay feet of this giant. Stopping one step before the greatest geopolitical success of the beginning of the 21st century would be more than a mistake. It would be a betrayal of the ideals on which the USA was founded, a betrayal of everything that the American people have achieved over the centuries of its history, a betrayal of everything that Republicans and Democrats have been able to do in America and around the world in the 20th and 21st centuries.

To hand over a people who were not perfect, but chose the idea of freedom, to the hands of a dictator who hates freedom would be absurd. To hand over a nation that was an ally of the United States into the hands of a modern Hitler would be America's greatest historical humiliation. To hand the people who chose freedom into slavery to the Russian barbarians, who are allies of all terrorists or want to be their allies, is simply to burn the Bible and the Constitution together with the Declaration of Human Rights. Renunciation of Ukraine is a rejection of the idea of freedom.

Not to provide aid to Ukraine today for one reason or another is to choose a bowl of food instead of birthright, to refuse the blessing of God and ancestors. It is important to understand that the USA should support Ukraine precisely because it wants to be the USA, and not want to become a territory where freedom is an empty sound and not the basis of foundations.

Putin is a dictator with whom any reconciliation is too costly for the free world and does not stop his military expansion and terrorist activities. To play along with Putin today is to destroy freedom in the entire world tomorrow.

The fate of the world is in your hands! The US legislature must return to responsible and competent leadership. Whoever chooses reconciliation with dictators for the sake of avoiding war or for a bowl of food in isolation from world problems receives both shame and war. If Ukrainian guys are not helped in the war with Russia today, thousands of American guys will die tomorrow in the wars with Russia and its allies. The world sadist must be stopped as soon as possible before the consequences of his terrorist campaign against the West and its allies become catastrophic!

Act, and may God help you!!!

And while officials are still thinking, do not forget to help the Warriors of Light who are protecting the freedom of the whole world right now!

Please note that buyme @ coffee carefully checks Ukrainian volunteers, so please hold back from making comments there  

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