1. International Law: Russia's actions have been deemed a violation of international law, including the UN Charter. Support for Ukraine aligns with a commitment to international law.
  2. Preventing Human Rights Violations: There is a moral imperative to support Ukraine to prevent the human rights abuses and civilian casualties that have resulted from the conflict.
  3. Global Order: Upholding the rules-based international order is crucial. Allowing one country to change international borders by force could set a dangerous precedent.
  4. Nuclear Non-Proliferation: Ukraine surrendered its nuclear arsenal in exchange for assurances of its sovereignty and territorial integrity through the Budapest Memorandum. Supporting Ukraine affirms commitments to non-proliferation agreements.
  5. Energy Security: Russia's use of energy supplies as leverage in geopolitics has made diversifying energy sources and supporting alternatives, like Ukraine, a strategic move for many countries.
  6. Market Stability: The stability of Ukraine is important for the broader market stability, given the country's role in the global supply of agricultural products, among other goods.
  7. Prevention of Further Aggression: Checking aggression against Ukraine serves as a deterrent against potential future unilateral military actions by other states, which might be emboldened if Russia's invasion goes unchecked.
  8. Solidarity Against Oppression: Supporting Ukraine can be seen as standing with a smaller nation against a much larger aggressor, which resonates with the narrative of supporting the underdog.
  9. European Security: Ukraine's stability is pivotal for the security of Europe. A threat to one country’s sovereignty can be seen as a threat to others, potentially compromising the entire region's security architecture.
  10. Partnership and Alliances: For countries in various alliances with Ukraine, or those that have policy commitments to support nations under invasion, offering support is consistent with fulfilling mutual defense and cooperation agreements.
  11. Momentum Against Autocracy: By standing with Ukraine, the world can show a united front against the rising tide of autocracy and reassert the value of international democratic solidarity.
  12. Establishing trust: By supporting Ukraine the West will show the world it's commitment to the principles of democracy and freedom. As a result, other countries will trust it more.
  13. Maintaining Trade Routes: Ukraine is a significant transit route for trade between Europe and Asia; its stability is pivotal for maintaining these routes.
  14. Preservation of Cultural Heritage: Ukraine's cultural heritage sites are at risk; supporting Ukraine helps preserve these important artifacts and sites for humanity.
  15. Preventing Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing: There is a moral duty to prevent acts that could be construed as genocide or ethnic cleansing, by supporting the nation being targeted.
  16. Stabilization of Commodity Markets: Ukraine is often referred to as the "breadbasket of Europe," and the disruption caused by the conflict can lead to global increases in the price of wheat and other grains, leading to food insecurity in regions dependent on these imports.
  17. Preventing Costly Escalation: Helping to prevent an all-out war in Ukraine is financially prudent. The costs associated with major warfare, including the impact on global economic markets and the need for massive humanitarian aid, would be far greater.
  18. Justice and Accountability: Supporting Ukraine is essential to ensure that acts of aggression and violations of human rights do not go unpunished and that there is accountability for such actions to deter future violations.
  19. Countering Russian Expansionism: Containing Russian territorial ambitions to prevent further destabilization in post-Soviet states or wider Europe.
  20. Reinforcing Borders: Affirming that nation-state borders are not to be transgressed indiscriminately.

In conclusion, supporting Ukraine goes beyond just its borders; it's about upholding international law, protecting human rights, maintaining global stability, and preserving democratic values. These 20 arguments highlight how interconnected our world is and the shared responsibility we all have to stand against aggression and support nations in need. By backing Ukraine, we reinforce the principles of sovereignty, justice, and solidarity, which are crucial for a peaceful and stable global order. The path forward requires unwavering support and a collective effort to help Ukraine overcome this challenge and work towards a secure and prosperous future.