23-24, despite Ukraine's criticism. The U.N. secretary-general did not visit the global peace summit in Switzerland at Kyiv's invitation in the summer."After Kazan, (Guterres) wanted to come to Ukraine, but the president did not confirm his visit. So Guterres won't be here, specifically because of the humiliation of sanity and international law in Kazan," the source told AFP.In Kazan, Guterres met with Russian President Vladimir Putin. The photo of their handshake was blasted by Ukrainians and some Western officials on social media.The U.N. secretary's visit came as North Korean troops are reportedly being deployed in Russia's Kursk Oblast and are expected to be sent to fight in Ukraine.Guterres reiterated to Putin that Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine violated the U.N. charter and international law, according to a U.N.

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