"It is remarkable to see that despite the devastating damage that Ukraine is experiencing during the third year of the war, all state institutions operate without disruptions, and key state services are provided to citizens in full capacity,"Bob Saum, World Bank country director for Eastern Europe, said in a statement."As the country moves forward, it will be necessary to develop its capacity for long term development, prepare for European Union accession, manage public infrastructure projects and public finances effectively, and enhance revenue administration."Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal welcomed the news in a post on Telegram."We are grateful to the leadership of the World Bank and our international partners for this important support to Ukraine in the conditions of a full-scale war unleashed by Russia," he said.Russian city of Saratov targeted by Ukrainian drone, local official claims, oil refinery reportedly hitThe city hosts the Saratov Oil Refinery, formerly known as the Cracking Plant, which is part of Rosneft, the state-run oil companyThe Kyiv IndependentKateryna Hodunova

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