Welcome to Venezuela's Multiplication Table!

Let’s break it down, shall we? In a world where a pie can only be cut into so many pieces, Venezuela has decided to bake a new mathematical pie. President Nicolás Maduro scooped up a hefty 51.2% of the votes. Close on his heels, Edmondo Gonzales grabbed 44.2%, and the remaining trio of Daniel Ceballos, Antonio Ecarri, and José Rodriguez apparently attended a BOGO (Buy One, Get One) sale, each snagging 4.6%.

Now, in most countries, percentages in elections add up to a mundane 100%. Not in Venezuela. Here, they’ve boldly gone where no calculator has gone before, reaching a cosmic sum of 109.2%. It’s like a special offer: Vote now and get 9.2% absolutely free!

Election Night: The Neverending Story

The electoral saga didn't stop at just imaginative arithmetic. Amidst opposition cries of foul play and an unusually delayed announcement (someone must have been furiously tapping that calculator in the backroom), Maduro declared victory. This victory speech, by the way, came faster than the actual results, which took a scenic route to publication.

And here’s a plot twist—according to the National Electoral Council, there was a “minor hiccup” with a data transmission system attack. Minor, of course, is subjective. In some circles, it’s minor if it doesn't involve a marching band and a parade.

What's more, those trying to double-check these fantastical figures directly from the source were met with a digital brick wall. The official website of the Venezuelan National Electoral Council has been down, and not just for a brief nap. It’s been unresponsive for over six hours, as confirmed by a report from https://www.isitdownrightnow.com/, with the outage clocking in at precisely 6 hours and 3 minutes at the time of writing this article on July 29, 2024, at 18:00 GMT.www-cne-gob-ve.jpg

Are We Not Entertained?

This election had everything: drama, suspense, comedy, and a sprinkle of cyber intrigue. It’s like watching a season of your favorite show where the writers just decided to throw in every plot device they could think of. Who needs realistic plotlines when you can have endless twists?

The More You Know

For those scratching their heads and wondering if this is the new normal—don’t worry. This isn’t your everyday electoral process. It’s a special edition, collector’s item version, likely not available at your local store.

So, as we wrap up this episode of “Venezuela’s Got Tallies,” keep your calculators handy and your sense of humor ready. In Venezuelan politics, it seems the numbers just keep on giving, even when you thought they’d already given it all. And remember, in the land of magical realism and political mathematics, the only limit is the extent of your imagination (and perhaps your tolerance for absurdity).