The list included a few notorious personalities.The highest-profile politician among them was Yuriy Boyko, a lawmaker and former head of the now-banned political party, Opposition Platform — For Life, that for years was the country's main pro-Russian party."We are blocking propagandists working for Russia, individuals who have sided with the enemy, and those aiding Russia in continuing the war," Zelensky said on Jan. 19. “We are blocking propagandists working for Russia, individuals who have sided with the enemy, and those aiding Russia in continuing the war.” However, the sanctions against Boyko were rather symbolical: He was stripped of his Ukrainian state awards, which the pro-Russian politician had gathered quite a few. There were no sanctions that limited his economic or political activities.For others on the list, however, sanctions included freezing of assets, suspension of economic activity and extraction of resources, as well as a ban on flights and shipment of goods.
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