In our line of work, we call this disinformation galore ‘Kremlin Newspeak’, because it is downright Orwellian. Fortunately, we’ve become quite adept at translating this gobbledegook in plain language. So, let’s have a look at what Lavrov said, and that we really meant:


What he said: What he meant:
“How many promises to fund development in the global south and transfer environmentally friendly technologies have actually been kept?” We want to keep developing nations dependent of Russian fossil fuels
“The West has trampled all those unshakeable values of the globalisation” Nothing bad is ever Russia’s fault
“The West have unleashed a veritable war of sanctions against more than half of the countries of the world” Please don’t think about the reasons – human rights violations, starting a war – for those sanctions
“Restoration of trust based on the UN Charter principle – sovereign equality of all states” Don’t think about Russia’s war against Ukraine and just trust the Kremlin will not do it again
“Everything has to be agreed on a fair basis involving all UN members” We want to decide everything in format where Russia has a veto power
“The Americans always deny everything and do their best to erase the emerging facts” When in doubt, blame the Americans for anything Russia does
“The Nord Stream pipelines were a great example of the global cooperation” We sorely miss our tool of geopolitical influence to use Russian energy as a weapon
“The competitiveness of the European Union in the global economy has been undermined to the benefit of the United States” We want to drive wedges between those who support Ukraine against Russian aggression
“The West is to blame for concealing the truth about a bloody provocation in Bucha” We have no shame to openly lie about murdering innocent civilians
“Methods of political assassination, which have almost become common practice, are of the utmost concern” We’re more than a little concerned that the Kremlin chickens are coming home to roost
“Security can either be equal and inseparable for all, or there will be no security for anyone” Either you play by Russia’s rules, or we’ll conduct a ‘special military operation’ in your country, too
“NATO has been carrying out geopolitical and military expansion in Europe for three decades” We cannot accept the idea that sovereign countries have a say on their own foreign policy and security arrangements
“I will not dwell on the futility and danger of the very idea of trying to fight Russia’s nuclear power to victory” It’s time – again – to threaten the world with nuclear annihilation at Russian hands to get what we want
“The UN Charter is not only about territorial integrity” We like to cherry-pick principles of international law depending on what suits best at any moment
“Ukrainian neo-Nazis never represented the Russian population of Crimea, Donbass and Novorossiya” So much for sovereign equality of all states. If we want something, we call them neo-Nazis and take their lands
“The rights of Russians and people associated with the Russian culture have been methodically eradicated following a coup in Kiev” We pretend to care about people to advance Russia’s imperial conquest of its neighbours
“The Kiev regime and all those who pull it into NATO, are prime causes of the current Ukrainian crisis” We always blame the victim for our aggression.
“We respect constructive commitment to results as opposed to the dead-end peace formula of Volodymyr Zelensky” We only accept peace proposals that allow Russia to keep the temporarily occupied territories in Ukraine
“The realistic settlement plan was set forth by President Vladimir Putin” It’s our way or the highway
“Convincingly demonstrated the good will of Russia to achieve negotiation agreements” We issued an ultimatum for Ukraine to surrender and are now upset they didn’t listen
“Everyone will feel the high cost if the West does not stop” If Russia does anything bad to you, it’s always because of the West
“Right of the people to determine their own fate themselves” Ukrainians are not people and don’t deserve such rights
“Ways of ensuring security in different regions will have to be reconsidered” We want a world of ‘spheres of influence’ where Russia can decide the fate of others
“Russia has launched an initiative to create an inclusive architecture of equal and inseparable security in Eurasia” We will not stop our attempts to subdue and colonise our neighbours
“We believe it is important to continue the discussion” We would like to keep abusing the UN as a platform to spread our lies
“Russia will always be on the side of collective work, truth and law, peace and cooperation” We will say whatever you want to hear to keep you distracted

Evidently, Lavrov’s speech followed the Kremlin’s disinformation playbook to the letter. From baseless accusations to false equivalencies, to outright lies. The goal is to deflect blame for Russia’s actions and paint the West, particularly the US and NATO, as the real aggressors. This outpour of disinformation reinforces Russia’s ongoing attempts justify its illegal actions and undermine global efforts for accountability and peace. Don’t be deceived.

The post What He Said and What it Really Means – Vol. 8: The Kremlin’s disinformation galore at UNGA appeared first on EUvsDisinfo.

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