788458_254436_0414Acta0350.jpgYou can explore the detailed results of this parallel count on the website resultadosconvzla.com. The site offers a comprehensive breakdown of the vote numbers and percentages for each voting center and each machine within those centers. This transparency allows citizens and observers to navigate through the results, ensuring that each voting machine is accounted for and accurately represented. With scanned documents "actas" as proof, the numbers aren't pulled out of nowhere.

An essential aspect of this process is that the "actas" are not just random pieces of paper. They are printed on special paper with filigree to make them hard to falsify. They are also officially signed by the local voting commission at each center, adding another layer of legitimacy and verification to the collected data. This step is crucial in affirming the authenticity of the parallel count, as it reflects the official acknowledgment of the votes recorded on these slips.

The parallel count, after gathering 81.85% of the "actas," shows the following results:

  • Edmundo González: 7,173,152 votes
  • Nicolás Maduro: 3,250,424 votes
  • The rest of the candidates: 251,446 votes

This count was based on 24,576 out of a total of 30,026 voting machines ("mesas"). By leveraging this approach, the opposition aims to provide a clear and transparent view of the election outcomes, countering any potential discrepancies or doubts about the official results.

Now, let's take a moment to appreciate the ever-entertaining antics of the President of the National Electoral Council, Elvis Amoroso. In a dazzling display of electoral magic, Amoroso took to the airwaves, solemnly declaring Nicolás Maduro the winner with 51.20% of the vote. And what did he have to back up this earth-shattering announcement? A piece of paper that could have been pulled out of a hat, for all we know.

But wait, the plot thickens! In an even more amusing twist, Maduro himself has now claimed that he can't reveal the true election results because – brace yourselves – @elonmusk hacked the National Electoral Council of Venezuela. Yes, you heard that right. Elon Musk, in a fit of intercontinental mischief, supposedly managed to eat physical documents in a mysterious informatic attack. Who knew Musk's tech empire included a penchant for Venezuelan electoral documents?

In contrast to the government's reliance on "technical difficulties" and conspiracy theories, the opposition has rolled up its sleeves and done the hard work. By gathering and meticulously analyzing a massive amount of data, they've provided a transparent and verifiable alternative to the murky official results.

For detailed insights and to explore the data yourself, visit resultadosconvzla.com and navigate through the voting centers. Witness firsthand the meticulous effort to ensure every vote is counted and represented accurately – no hacking required.