14, 2024. (Astra/Telegram)The SBU source said the attacks targeted the three aforementioned airbases, as well as an airbase in Kursk. Ukraine launched an incursion into Kursk Oblast last week, marking the first instance of Ukrainian regular troops entering Russian soil during the war.The General Staff of Ukraine's Armed Forces confirmed the attack later on Aug. 14, saying that Su-34 fighter-bombers, Su-35 fighters, and other aircraft were based on the said airfields.The strike targeted fuel and lubricant warehouses and aerial ammunition, but the full consequences remain unclear, the General Staff said. The large-scale drone attack was carried out by the SBU in cooperation with the Air Force, Special Operation Forces, Unmanned Systems Forces, and military intelligence agency (HUR), the source revealed to the Kyiv Independent.The goal was to prevent Russia from using the airbases to strike Ukrainian military positions and settlements with KAB bombs.

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