The Kyiv Independent could not verify the claims.According to the group, the sabotage occurred between two rail stations in occupied Tokmak.0:00/1×Purported footage of a sabotage of a railway cabinet relay near the occupied city of Tokmak. Video published on Nov. 16 2024. (Atesh/Telegram)"Russian forces are intensifying their offensive in the Zaporizhzhia direction. This makes sabotage operations a serious problem for them, complicating logistics and disrupting the regular supply of ammunition and fuel," the group said on Telegram."These interruptions gradually undermine the combat effectiveness of Russian troops, slow their offensive actions, and increase losses, ultimately reducing their chances of achieving their objectives," the group added.In early October, Russian troops reportedly renewed their attack in the Zaporizhzhia sector. Kyiv warned of a potential Russian push in the southern region, just as Moscow's troops continue advancing in Ukraine's east.Amid increased attacks in the region, a spokesperson for the Ukrainian military's Southern Command, told the news outlet Suspilne on Nov.

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