Over a dozen officers of the Ukrainian Armed Forces will provide consultations and assistance during the registration.The center is equipped to conduct medical examinations and issue certificates of service eligibility, Deputy Defense Minister Ivan Havryliuk said.The volunteers will be receive instruction at a training ground set up by the Polish side after signing a contract. The introductory training course lasts 35 days."Later, the soldiers can be sent to one of the European NATO bases for more months to improve their skills," Havryliuk said, adding that Ukraine has provided uniforms and logistical support, while Polish partners have donated weapons and equipment.Recruitment takes place through applications on the official website of the Ukrainian Legion or through consulates and embassies.During the first days of the recruitment center's opening in Lublin, 138 applications for interviews were received through the website and another 58 through consular offices, according to the Defense Ministry.Once the applications are processed, the recruitment center staff contacts the candidates for a preliminary interview, clarification of data, and position assignment.Candidates with Ukrainian passports are invited to the recruiting center for an interview with the commander.

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