"The MP also criticized Halushchenko’s behavior during a parliamentary session earlier that day, calling it "unacceptable."One of the key controversies involves the public disclosure of information on further completion of the Khmelnytskyi Nuclear Power Plant’s (NPP) power units. Sovsun highlighted a letter sent to the Energy Committee from representatives of the European Commission and the U.S. Embassy expressing concerns about this issue.During the session, Halushchenko faced backlash for dismissive remarks directed at the EU ambassador. Responding to Sovsun's concerns, he said: "In fact, this is exactly the case, and if we are talking about the third and fourth [power units], it is in the text of the law that these units will operate on American fuel. As for the position of the middle-level clerks of the European Commission's representation, Inna, I am very sorry that you are running around embassies and pouring mud on our energy sector and our state.
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