"Where do Russian pontoon crossings 'disappear' in Kursk Oblast? Special forces operatores and Defense Forces units are actually destroying them," the Special Operation Forces said on Telegram.The military branch also shared a video showing the destruction of Russian river crossings and the engineering equipment used to build pontoon bridges. According to the statement, HIMARS missiles are used to target the river crossings.0:00/1×Ukrainian attacks against Russian military engineering equipment and river crossings in Kursk Oblast, Russia. Undated footage published on Aug. 21, 2024. (Special Operation Forces/Telegram)Other Russian military equipment, including an electronic warfare system, a field warehouse, and a 152 mm artillery system, were also reportedly hit and destroyed by Ukrainian forces.Over the past few days, Ukraine allegedly struck the bridges in the Kursk Oblast settlements of Zvannoe, Glushkovo, and Karyzh.The loss of the crossings across the Seim River could present a serious challenge to Russian troops stationed in the Glushkovsky district, who are lodged between the river to the north, Ukraine's Sumy Oblast to the west and south, and Ukrainian-held territories of Kursk Oblast to the east.A map of claimed Ukrainian advance in Russia's Kursk Oblast as of Aug.

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