, Oksana Markarova, told the Kyiv Independent on April 19."From our intense work with both parties and committee approval of voting procedures today, I am cautiously optimistic this time," Markarova said.U.S. assistance for Ukraine has been effectively blocked since the autumn of 2023, leading to a rapidly deteriorating situation on the battlefield. After months of delays and several versions of the foreign aid bill derailed by political infighting, House Speaker Mike Johnson unveiled his plan earlier this week to vote on the package as four separate bills on April 20.The Democratic Party and U.S. President Joe Biden have already expressed support for the $61 billion bill encompassing both defense assistance and economic aid in the form of loans. Conversely, the proposal is certain to face opposition from the right flank of the Republican Party, with some conservatives even threatening to oust the speaker.Speaker Johnson: US House to vote on $61 billion Ukraine aid bill on April 20U.S.

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