10.The confirmation comes shortly after Adygea Republic authorities reported a drone attack against the region early on Oct. 10. The Russian Telegram news channel Astra wrote about explosions near the airfield the same morning."During the attack, 57 warplanes, trainer aircraft, and helicopters were based at the airfield. This included Su-34 and Su-35 jets and Mi-8 helicopters," a source in the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) told the Kyiv Independent. The General Staff also reported that Su-27 fighter jets were based at the airfield.The operation was carried out in cooperation between the SBU, Ukraine's military intelligence agency (HUR), and the Special Operations Forces, according to the SBU source and the General Staff.Also on Oct. 10, drones operated by SBU, HUR, the military, and the Special Operations Forces hit a Shahed drone storage facility near the Russian city of Yeysk, the source added, resulting in explosions and a powerful fire.The extent of damage inflicted on the aircraft in Adygea is being determined.

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