local time, according to the Suspline media outlet.A 25-year-old female police lieutenant is among the killed, said Interior Minister Ihor Klymenko. She was at home on sick leave when shrapnel fatally wounded her, according to Interior Minister Ihor Klymenko."This would not have happened if Ukraine had received enough air defense equipment and if the world's determination to counter Russian terror was also sufficient," President Volodymyr Zelensky said on Telegram.Three Russian missiles hit an area near the city's downtown, according to Chernihiv Oblast Governor Viacheslav Chaus. Civilian and social infrastructure facilities came under attack, Oleksandr Lomako, the city's acting mayor, said.An eight-story building was destroyed in the attack, while four high-rise buildings, a hospital, a higher education institution, and dozens of cars were damaged, according to Oleksii Kuleba, a deputy head of Ukraine's Presidential Office.At least three people were still considered missing as of 11 a.m.

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