Forced mobilization of these men is categorically opposed by society. Rosy-cheeked aunts gather and shout "shame" at military enlistment officers tasked with searching for draft dodgers.Society is also resistant to the mobilization of 25-year-old "children." However, this sentiment does not extend to the sons of elites and deputies, who are readily and unhesitatingly deemed fit for the front lines. "Let (former Ukrainian President Petro) Poroshenko's and (Ukrainian President Volodymyr) Zelensky's sons fight," they say. There is also a reluctance to pay more taxes — and I’m not even addressing the other duties or requirements imposed during martial law.Furthermore, society is adamantly against sending soldiers from other branches of the military into infantry. Being in the infantry is not seen as an honor for Ukrainian soldiers but as something dirty and undignified — a form of punishment.

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