He was believed to have been executed by his Russian captors.Some media outlets and Telegram channels published a video purporting to show bodies of soldiers, claiming that Jenkins was among them. Slidstvo.Info verified that footage was published four years ago on an Iranian website. The description says that it was filmed in Nagorno-Karabakh, and the original video is in Armenian instead of Russian.Jenkins is serving in the 402nd Separate Rifle Battalion, which is part of Ukraine's 66th Separate Mechanized Brigade, the outlet wrote. He went missing on Dec. 16 in 2024 while being on a combat mission near the village of Mykolaivka in Luhansk Oblast, Ukraine's Ground Forces Command told Slidstvo.Info."There has been no transfer of the body (of Oscar Jenkins)," the military said.The Kyiv Independent has contacted the Australian Embassy in Kyiv and the Ukrainian authorities but has not received a response at the time of publication.The Geneva Conventions mandate all warring parties to treat POW with respect and dignity, while executing POWs is considered a gross violation of international law and a war crime.
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