Officials from across the aisle believe that Beijing will aim to “reunite” the two Chinas by force if Russia succeeds in Ukraine.Trying to avoid a war at all costs, Taipei is attempting to walk a fine line. It defends its sovereignty while attempting to not provoke Beijing – first and foremost by not seeking de jure independence from the mainland.Xi claims Beijing, Moscow want ‘political solution’ to Russia-Ukraine warSpeaking on May 16 at a press conference during Putin’s two-day visit to China, the pair put on a united front and cast themselves as partners opposed to a Western, U.S.-led world order.The Kyiv IndependentChris York“(One of Taiwan’s policies) is that we should not give authoritarian China any excuse to launch a war,” Wu said in an exclusive interview with the Kyiv Independent in late April.Wu says that “a surprise attack” from China may be inevitable despite Taipei’s efforts to prevent it at all costs.

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