"This is a very big step towards the start of World War III," lawmaker Vladimir Dzhabarov said, according to Russia’s state-owned TASS state news agency. Biden has authorized Ukraine to use U.S.-supplied long-range ATACMS missiles for strikes inside Russia, marking a significant shift in U.S. policy, several media outlets reported on Nov. 17.Ukraine will likely initially use the missiles against Russian and North Korean forces in Kursk Oblast, but Washington could also authorize their use elsewhere, undisclosed official sources told the New York Times.The decision has not been publicly confirmed by Kyiv or Washington, with President Volodymyr Zelensky saying that the "missiles will speak for themselves.""The West has decided on a level of escalation that could end with the remnants of Ukraine completely losing their statehood," Andrei Klishas, a member of Russia’s Federation Council, wrote on his Telegram channel.

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