7."Now, depending on the level of North Korean involvement, we will gradually adjust our support strategy in phases," Yoon told the media."This means we are not ruling out the possibility of providing weapons."Russian-North Korean ties entered a new level when Pyongyang dispatched around 12,000 troops to join Russia's war against Ukraine.Yoon said previously that Seoul might revise its ban on supplying direct military assistance to a warzone in response. South Korea has provided Ukraine with humanitarian and non-lethal aid but refused to provide weapons, citing legislative restrictions. Some media reports from last year claimed that the country secretly supplied artillery shells to Ukraine via the U.S., though the South Korean government denied the reports.Living in constant tension with its North Korean neighbors, South Korea boasts a powerful military and strong defense industry, making the country a major arms exporter.It remains unclear what weapons systems South Korea is considering, though Yoon commented that "defensive weapons" would be a priority.

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