"Aerial glide bombs have become one of the greatest threats to civilians in cities along the frontline," Danielle Bell, head of the UN Human Rights Monitoring Mission in Ukraine (HRMMU), said in a statement on Jan. 9."They are also one of the main reasons why the number of killed and injured in 2024 increased by 30 per cent compared with 2023."According to HRMMU figures, Russian glide bombs killed 360 Ukrainian civilians in 2024, and injured 1,861, a threefold increase in fatalities, and a sixfold increase in injuries compared to 2023.What is a glide bomb?A glide bomb is a standard air-dropped bomb modified with wings and often a satellite navigation system, so they can be launched from a distance rather than directly over a target.Their origins date back as far as World War II, and have been used in conflicts since including Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan.Russian glide bombs are often Soviet-era FAB weapons upgraded with a Unified Gliding and Correction Module (UMPK), which allows it to glide to its target, but Moscow is also developing newer, dedicated versions.The Russian Su-34 bomber aircraft and FAB-500 bombs equipped with high-precision guidance on March 18, 2024.
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