Guinea's government mentioned that the meeting aimed to discuss areas of mutual cooperation but did not provide further details.Later on June 3, Lavrov was expected to arrive in the Republic of Congo, where he was scheduled to meet President Denis Sassou Nguesso in the city of Oyo, as per an official communique from Brazzaville. The rest of his itinerary was not disclosed.Guinea has been under military rule since 2021, when Col. Mamadi Doumbouya seized power, citing the need to prevent chaos and accusing the previous government of failing to keep promises. In February, the military leaders dissolved the government without explanation and announced plans to appoint a new one. Doumbouya has resisted attempts by Western and other developed countries to intervene in Africa’s political affairs, stating that Africans are "exhausted by the categorizations with which everyone wants to box us in," according to Associated Press.

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