At least one person was killed, and six others were injured, local authorities said.Ukraine's Air Force reported that one cruise missile was flying towards the western town of Chernivtsi from Moldova.According to Sandu, these attacks "clearly violate international law.""Moldova condemns these acts and stands in full solidarity with Ukraine," she said. Monitoring Telegram channels also reported that a Russian missile entered Romania. But the Romanian Defense Ministry said that the violation of the country's airspace was not confirmed.Poland scrambled fighter jets in response to the Russian missile threat in western Ukraine, the Polish Operational Command reported.Warsaw and Bucharest, NATO members, frequently scramble fighter jets to protect countries' airspace as Russian forces launch large-scale aerial attacks on Ukraine. Yet, they have never been used to destroy missiles or drones.Narrowly overcoming pro-Russian comeback, Moldovan President Sandu is facing tough term aheadMoldovan President Maia Sandu begins her second term in office on Dec.

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