"To this effect, if the European Commission officially approaches Ukraine about the transit of any gas other than Russian, we naturally will discuss it and are ready to reach an appropriate agreement," Shmyhal noted in a statement on his Telegram channel. "I stressed that Ukraine's agreement with Russia on gas transit comes to an end on 1st January 2025 and will not be extended."Shmyhal added that significant progress has been made over the past year to ensure EU countries have sufficient energy supplies, particularly gas.Slovakia and other nations relying on Russian gas transiting through Ukraine are engaged in discussions to prevent disruptions when the contract expires.Fico, ahead of his talks with Shmyhal, emphasized that maintaining gas transit is not solely a bilateral concern for Ukraine’s neighbors but an issue affecting the entire European Union.Fico previously said his goal to ensure continued eastern gas supplies to avoid increased costs associated with alternative transit routes.

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