Ihor Taburets, the governor of Cherkasy Oblast, said that a critical infrastructure facility had been struck and damaged but did not specify what it was. Taburets said there were no deaths reported but that six people had sought medical assistance. Serhii Ananko, the mayor of the city of Smila, wrote on Telegram that Russia had attacked a critical infrastructure facility in the city. Ananko said that six people were injured, likely meaning that he referred to the same strike as Taburets. Smila lies some 30 kilometers (~18 miles) southwest of the oblast's capital, Cherkasy, in central Ukraine.Energy minister says Ukraine’s energy system stable, urges citizens to prepare for ‘any scenarios’Energy Minister Herman Halushchenko said on April 12 that Ukrainians should be prepared for possible power outages in the spring or summer amid Russian ongoing attacks against energy infrastructure.The Kyiv IndependentKateryna Denisova

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