This daily trend has continued for the first days of October. Overnight on Oct. 3, Ukraine’s Air Force reported that Russia launched 105 Shahed-type drones, targeting settlements across the country.Ukrainian monitoring Telegram channels reported that Russia did not use a single Shahed for the first time in 48 days. Ukraine's Air Force reported that Moscow's forces launched several guided aerial bombs against Sumy and Zaporizhzhia oblasts overnight. Russia has launched thousands of cheap but effective Iranian-designed Shahed-type drones against Ukraine since the fall of 2022.While initially sourcing them from Iran, in an August 2023 report, the U.K. Defense Ministry said Russia had begun domestic production.Russian drone attacks against Ukraine reach record levels but experts warn of worse to comeFor the first time since the full-scale invasion, Russia launched drone attacks on cities and towns across Ukraine on a daily basis for an entire month.

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