"No details yet, but the Russian military suffered significant losses in equipment," said Andrii Kovalenko, the head of the counter-disinformation department at Ukraine's National Security and Defense Council.  DeepState, a Ukrainian crowdsourced monitoring website, reported late on Oct. 10 that Russia managed to push through the left flank of Ukraine's salient in Kursk Oblast."The enemy is now trying to establish a foothold near the settlements of Novoivanovka and Zeleny Shliakh," DeepState said on Telegram. The two settlements lie some 15 kilometers from the Ukrainian-held Russian town of Sudzha and around 10 kilometers north of the Ukrainian border.The estimated Ukrainian control (blue) in Russia's Kursk Oblast as of Oct. 10, 2024. (DeepState/OpenStreetMaps)Parallel messages also appeared on Russian pro-war channels. The well-known Rybar channel wrote that Russian forces launched several attacks in the Korenevsky and Sudzhansky districts, in which Ukraine established its foothold.

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