The majority of Ukrainians are unwilling to negotiate territorial concessions, and the Ukrainian government will lose support if it begins peace talks that open the door for Ukraine potentially losing its territories and the people who live there.The main reason Ukraine supports only four out of 12 points that are laid out in the Chinese plan is that an immediate ceasefire without the withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukraine means that the territories currently occupied would be de facto lost.According to the people we spoke to in the President's Office, Kyiv is actively working to bring China to the Peace Summit in Switzerland in mid-June and to help align China's position with that of Ukraine and the West. For Ukraine, China is a key force that can help end this war, as the country is the primary gateway for Russia to receive dual-use goods that are then used to wage war on Ukraine.Unfortunately, China feels comfortable in its current position and doesn't have an incentive to help end the war on terms comfortable for Ukraine and its people.

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