While engaged in combat in Kursk Oblast, a group of North Korean soldiers opened fire on members of the Chechen Akhmat unit fighting for Russia, HUR reported via its official Telegram channel. The attack allegedly killed eight Russian soldiers. HUR said the incident was the result of the language barrier between Russian and North Korean troops, which continues to be a "difficult obstacle" on the battlefield. An estimated 200 servicemembers fighting with Russian and North Korean units have been killed as of Dec. 14, HUR reported. Zelensky previously announced that North Korean personnel had begun incurring "noticeable losses," but did not provide a figure.  Ukrainian and Western officials in fall 2024 warned that over 10,000 North Korean troops had amassed in Kursk Oblast, ready to aid Russia's attempt to oust Ukrainian forces in the region.The Russian military has instituted special protocols in places where North Korean personnel are located, HUR said.

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