Moscow deployed its troops to Syria in 2015, providing support to dictator Bashar al-Assad against multiple anti-government forces. Damascus has been supportive of the Kremlin during the ongoing invasion of Ukraine.Russian forces operating in Syria have been accused by the U.N. and other organizations of committing war crimes in the country, including the intentional bombing of hospitals and the usage of "double-tap" attacks, a tactic Russia has repeated in Ukraine. The newest complaint, filed jointly by HIHFAD and the cousin of one of those killed at the U.N.'s Human Rights Committee, accuses Russia of bombing the Kafr Nobol Surgical Hospital in Syria's Idlib province in 2019."Syrians are looking to the Human Rights Committee to show us some measure of redress by acknowledging the truth of this brutal attack, and the suffering caused," said Fadi al-Dairi, the director of HIHFAD, Reuters reported.

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