While Kyiv did not claim responsibility for the incident, HUR shared a video on Telegram showing a facility on fire at night.

The fire destroyed a transformer at the substation with a power of 100 kilowatts, according to the agency. A military base, a machine-building enterprise, and a military plant that supplies railway equipment were reportedly left without electricity.

"The enemy used these facilities in the genocidal war against Ukraine," HUR's statement read.

The Kyiv Independent could not verify these claims.

There have been multiple reports since the start of the full-scale invasion about fires and other acts of sabotage within Russia and the Ukrainian territories occupied by Moscow.

Earlier, Ukraine's Security Service (SBU) attacked a Russian modernized Nebo-U long-range radar system in Bryansk Oblast, a source at SBU told the Kyiv Independent on April 16.

Source: Ukrainian forces hit command post in Russian-occupied Crimea
The local partisan group Atesh said that the sounds of Russian air defense operating had been heard. Atesh claimed that the military base of the 810th Marine Brigade in Sevastopol had been hit.
Military intelligence reports fire at substation in Russia

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