17 over “foreign interference activity,” a Meta spokesperson told the Kyiv Independent. The decision came days after the U.S. claimed that RT was collaborating with Russian intelligence to target countries globally amid a heavy-handed crackdown on the Kremlin’s disinformation campaigns. Meta warned that Russia remains the number one source of information warfare, pointing to the Kremlin’s coordinated propaganda operation, codenamed “Doppelganger,” as its “most persistent” operation since 2017. Doppelganger clones legitimate news and government websites to disseminate anti-Western, pro-Russian, and anti-Ukrainian narratives that are then shared on social media by bots. Screenshot of Russia Today's (RT) Facebook page is not available. (The Kyiv Independent)Meta’s ban may not be enough to suppress Russia’s attempts to shape the narrative in key countries and grind down support for Ukraine among its allies.

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