"After months of delays and several versions of the aid bill derailed by political infighting, Speaker Mike Johnson unveiled his plan earlier this week to vote on the package as four separate bills on April 20.As is customary in U.S. politics, representatives such as Greene can propose amendments to the bill before it is considered by the House of Representatives.One of Greene's amendments states that any member of the House of Representatives who votes for the Ukraine aid bill should be required to go and fight for Kyiv."I mean if you want to fund the war, why don't you go fight in it," she wrote in a post on X.If you want to fund the endless foreign wars, you should have to go fight them.That’s why I’m introducing an amendment that would require any Member of Congress who votes for the multibillion $ Ukraine supplemental to enlist in Ukraine’s military.More: https://t.co/kTtrCUcglS— Rep.

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