local time. Russian Telegram channel ASTRA reported, citing resident accounts, that that an oil depot in the city had caught fire.The Kyiv Independent cannot immediately verify the claims.Videos circulating on social media appear to show a large fire burning at the oil depot, as Russian air defense attempts to down the reported drones over the city. Residents reported hearing at least five explosions ahead of the fire.0:00/1×Video captured by local residents of a fire reportedly caused by Ukrainian drones in the city of Engels in Russia's Saratov Oblast overnight on Jan. 8, 2025. (ASTRA/Telegram)Firefighters are on-scene attempting to extinguish the blaze, Busargin added. No information was immediately available on any casualties or on the extent of the damage caused.Engels, located over 750 kilometers away from the nearest Ukrainian-controlled border, has previously been a target of Ukrainian drone attack, with the city housing the the Engels-2 air base.Over the past year, Ukrainian forces have launched a series of drone strikes aimed at damaging Russia's oil industry, which is crucial to sustain Moscow's war efforts, as well as its military hardware.As Russia's full-scale invasion continues, Ukraine has also continued to attack Russian targets along the Russia-Ukraine border to inflict damage to the country's military supply chain.Ukraine war latest: Ukraine hits Russia’s infantry brigade command post in Kursk Oblast, military claimsKey developments on Jan.
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